Vectorworks 2018 wont export to lightwrite
Vectorworks 2018 wont export to lightwrite

The design happens in the designer's mind, and SketchUp serves as a drawing board to put those designs down. The problem with it, and where many people get hung up, is that it's not a design tool - it's a visualization tool. I've been using it for years for my set design jobs.


It's fairly easy to learn the basics, and it has a huge online community plus lots of third-party add-ons. SketchUp is a fantastic tool for set designers, and being used more and more in the movies as well as for exhibit design, museum design, architecture, and loads of other industries. I want to give them things they could continue to explore when I no longer have them in my class next semester. I'm looking for things to show them that won't take a lot of time to learn. I can explore more options next semester, but I would like to show the students as many possible tools and apps as possible before I lose them. We only have 13 days left in class this semester. What online computer tech/design programs would you suggest that the kids could explore in class? Our students just went one to one, where every student has a computer. Subject: Computer programs for tech/design studentsĭon't mean to be difficult here, but what exactly are you trying to show them? A program to help design a set, or to draft a set, or to design lights, or to run lights, or to build scenery or props, or to design/run sound, or something else? There are lots of options out there, but you need to know the goal before you can choose the tool. Since each student was just given a computer, I thought I would take advantage of the opportunity and see what other ways I could peak their interest. Whether this class is effective is not the subject for this post. I only get to teach these students for one semester. I would love to have a simple computer program to let the students play with light design. Sketchup and Audacity are the first ones I considered, but I was curious if there are other programs that might be good for students who have never played with design before. The skill levels, as well as the student's interest in design, has been all over the board.īasically, I want to show students computer tools that might make them more interested in theatre, and specifically design. We have even done storyboarding for short scenes, and made production notebooks with props, cue sheets, and plans for quick changes for costumes or set changes.Įverything has been away from a computer. I have used different texts and paper materials to give the students a chance to design.We have made set renderings and costume renderings.

vectorworks 2018 wont export to lightwrite

We have drafted set designs by hand with rulers. Just getting all the kids around a board is a logistical challenge, let alone trying to give every student the chance to touch the board. It has been hard to teach the kids lighting and sound when we only have one light board and soundboard in each theatre. I have 43 students in my class this semester.

Vectorworks 2018 wont export to lightwrite